BOWWE University
How to add and edit a button on your Micro Page?
The buttons on your website must attract attention - so they should be visually attractive. If you don't like the button you are using, you can replace it very easily. Check the instructions below.
Benefits of having a Portfolio on the website:
You will inspire confidence in your company
the Portfolio will serve as a confirmation that you are doing your job properly and that you are proud of your projects. New customers will never be afraid to buy your products or services.
You will start to create a better image of the company
By praising your achievements, you present yourself much better in the eyes of potential customers and partners. This proves that you are fulfilling your contracts. You will be able to enter into profitable business partnerships.
You will stand out from the competition
most companies on the market do not use such solutions. The portfolio will give you an advantage. You will present rare services, the name or description of which might not be a sufficient representation for an unfamiliar client
You will promote your company
a well-made, interesting portfolio is a good way to advertise online. Clients looking at works done for others will build a vision in their heads - I want the same! - which will increase the chance of buying or using your services.
You will present your unique style
Thanks to the portfolio, it is easy to show what a given company offers, not only in terms of the service, but also how it will be performed.
You will achieve a better position in search engines
A regularly updated portfolio will be a sign for search engines that your website is constantly developing.This will result in its higher position in the search results. You can read more about positioning in search engines here.
Instruction: Adding and changing the Button on Micro Page
Select Widgets from the left side panel and then choose BUTTON

Select the button you like and then place it on your Micro Page

To edit the button's settings, choose Widget Settings

To edit the button's appearance, choose Widget Styles

Gdy znasz już strukturę, w jakiej znajduje się przycisk - kliknij Ukryj widżet. Wówczas wiżet schowa się.
Aby edytować działanie i wygląd przycisku, kliknij odpowiednio Ustawienia widżetu oraz style widżetu.
You already know how to change and edit buttons on your website.
Remember about:
In addition to Portfolio, you can put on the Customer Reviews page. You will build even greater trust of potential customers in your company.
Use only high-quality photos in the Portfolio. Find out where to get them here!
Update Portfolio min. 1 a week. You will achieve higher rankings in search engines!
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